After months of insatiable cyber-stalking, I finally spotted the Sam Edelman vaulted wonders, and self-restraint immediately spider-webbed into an inextricable pursuit. A victim to the hunt, I admit, my initial reaction could easily be perceived as semi-ridiculous panic. Naturally, I called the momma bear. And even as her ritualized shopping excursion unfolded, she elicited a rather piercing squeal through the telephone receiver, which undoubtedly created a bevy of stares among the crowded grocery store aisles. Like a little devil perched high upon my right shoulder, she urged me to buy them… evidently an advocate to my daringly unapologetic platform fetish . A silent negotiation yanked me from reverie, and a minute later, Ben called verifying my bootstrapped harness wishes would soon be one among my closet’s legion. Maybe they’re just a pair of shoes , but they were going to mine… and when the e-mail confirmation deep-rooted his completely unexpected purchase, all he said was, “Well,...