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You'll find us amongst the fields of light

Considering the original destination for this set of pictures has since transformed into a future development site, swarming with what my friend incessantly referred to as ‘sweaty construction dudes’, we nixed the idea and pressed forward. Insert operation plan B. After several minutes of semi-deliberation fading into the background of the Eagles Hotel California , we ended up on an obscure road that led only to fields of corn and unexplainable light falling over us like curtains. But finally, my sharp-shoulder infatuation has been commemorated. ( Queen's Wardrobe Long Devil T with added DIY shoulder pads, Forever 21 skirt, Colin Stuart ankle boots)

Wild Thing... I think I love you

When a quasi-sporadic jaunt had us regaling any amount of apathy, my lax interpretation of frugality was tested. I was supposed to be Christmas shopping, but the slightest notion only manifested a spending floodgate that swung wide-open… breaching all self-discipline. So there I was, attempting a silent negotiation, yes-no-no-yes. And just like that, the holier-than-thou shoe gods had me by Gheppetto ’s strings, and were yet again exultant. In every conceivable ( shoe predicament ) way, it seemed a publicized threat to some bizzarro stylistic-existence, and obviously some things are beyond control. In the silver lining, there’s an upside to this inadvertent gluttony because these powerhouse Maryjane’s--with their patent leather and subtle contrasting edge--will always be there, for all those untamed days ahead. Seriously, there's more to me than just savage kicks... but in the words of Carrie Bradshaw, I suppose one day, "I will literally be the woman who lived ...

Toy Soldiers

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