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Meant for climbing and concrete picnics

Who says a girl can’t scale a rock-strewn knoll in high heels?

It’s not exactly what the neighbors expected to see in the middle of a quiet afternoon, and definitely not the recreational activity I imagined in 4.5-inch vaults either, but I snubbed hesitation and clambered upward... despite these minute particulars. And while the whole charade had me feeling slightly inclined to create/join/sponsor the Stiletto Olympians, it was amusing to prove that with the right mindset… anything really is possible.

(Forever 21 tee and heels, Vintage vest, bangles, and jacket, Secondhand leopard bracelet, L.e.i. denim skirt)


miaou miaou said…
my favourites are the vest & waistcost <3 you look so beautiful in all of those. It makes me think no, i'm not cutting my long hair off when i get moody at it in the hot weather.

really cool set!

X said…
Como siempre preciosa.
lauren said…
I knew you rocked but this is insanely cool! hahha. Love everything as always!! I'd kill for your legs and the siiiick sequined jacket.

Hope youre having a fabulous weekend Bella! Waiitng for your next set of pics! XOXOX
Dakota77 said…
Great look again:)
yiqin; said…
The vest is so cute :) I need a nice vest!
Dannie said…
that sequined jacket is sooo amaaaaaazing, i need more sequins in my life ;)))
Allison said…
You're a pro in heels! You should do that high heel race for breast cancer in NYC where the only requirements are that you're female, and your shoes have to have at least a 2" heel - you'd blow the competition away!
I absolutely love the vest, Bella! And really, your hair is always so flawless, I'm so jealous, but I just adore you, so it's a healthy jealousy ;)
ediot said…
great location for a photoshoot. i love the wornout tee. great fit toO
Anonymous said…
Very jealous of your sequin vintage blazer its gorgeous!x
I really love that sequin blazer, another hot outfit!!

Really like your fringe heels!!!

I love this look! Your sequined blazer is AMAZING! <3
Vertiginoso said…
Mmmh Actually I really like the "Fetishissime" vibrancy of the "Stiletto Olympians" idea . . .
ps: Ooooooh just in case, I say How The Fashionsta MUST wear her jewellery on "stilettosteticoooooooo", Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine
Anonymous said…
perfect :)
Facehunter said…
Very Nice!!! keep it UP!!!
Lainey said…
Love everything, but especially the sequined jacket! And the shoes...of course.
oniomania said…
my god i a have been so slack, missed a gazillion of your posts!!! how is that even possible, you are like the fashion bible that i cant live without.

hey you have a vest like mine. glad i got something right. looks better on you though. sigh...
Unknown said…
I want your sequined jacket please :) Hot mama!
bisou-joue said…
great outfit ! great shoes ! i love your sequins jacket!
thooseee shoes...i fell in love with them!!!!!PERFECT OUTFIT!!!!!!:DDDD
diane said…
You totally crack me up!
Tyler said…
GOOD GOD look at those legs! Beautiful pics.
HAHAHA "stiletto olympians" does that really exist?

those f21 heels are so hard to walk in!! how did you do it lady? i'm impressed. LOVE that sequined blazer!
KV said…
The last picture is the best :) love it!
Elouise said…
Love the outfit.

LaurenSchoon said…
I loooooove that vintage sequin jacket! I wish one would come in to the vintage shop where I work!
You sequin jacket! Gosh i love it & it looks great on you girl :D

Found ur blog somehow, im a fan already. x!
That jacket is caliente!!!
Anonymous said…
Cool little location! I'd be too chicken to take pictures in some place like there.

You're gorgeous as usual!

You always look so absolutely dreamy! Lovelove it :)

P.S. I'm so happy you love 2 Days in Paris as much as I do. It's been a favorite since I first saw it xo
Noa Raviv said…
Love your outfit!!!

the shoes are amazing!!

Hook The Look
Daisy said…
Maybe the best jacket ever!
Dane said…
Ahh.. so in love with the sequined blazer!
agnes said…
I must say I love the jacket the most. I am quite into sequins lately, isn't it lovely? it draws attention instantly and it's definitely a statement piece.:)

have a nice day hun!
agnes xx
electric feel said…
F21 "wang" heels are perfect
the sequined jacket is tres chic!
Marissa said…
Bella Bella Bella I love this. I tried to score the f21 wang heels but they sold out instantly. The jacket is bliss and the way you've put everything together is perfect. Love your writing so much and this set of pics is AMAZING!
Your such a talent and inspiration!!!!!!

much love
Anonymous said…
Oh, the shoes... I love them!
Antonio Barros said…
Wooow!!! Amazing!!!!
Darrah said…
This jacket is perfect over that vest.
ilikestuff said…
Ah! You have inspired me to break out the old F21-Wang knockoffs again. They really are soooo cool.
Anonymous said…
Love the oversized vest ! everything looks perfect !
Siljesfashion said…
One of my favorite looks! You are so insperational. Lots of love, S
Anonymous said…
lovely your style really!
love the combination that you have done with pailletes ;)
Kati said…
Those heels...just stunning!
Unknown said…
love the sequin blazer it looks fantastic xoxox
Jules said…
Gorgeous outfit! And those shoes, to die for. =D

A Writers Den
The Brown Mestizo
Anika said…
So fierce, Bella, I love it!
You're such a nutter and I mean that in the best way possible....climbing mountains of rubble (construction rubble, no less) in those heels? just perfect.

And I've heard those heels are actually damn comfy...hmmm....
p.s. love the jacket, I'm on a perma hunt for one of those I tell you.

Hope you had a fab weekend and heres to a great week :)
Dani said…
great blog! love the sequined jacket and your shoes! and your HAIR!!
Violet said…
i love that blazer you've got on... you continue to be my inspiration of edge

love the shoes on you.... i saw them in store and passed
Vi from Cali
NICOLE said…
You look so beautiful, as always!! Your skin is flawless :) xoxo, Nic
Ashley said…
Great outfit! I still completely regret not buying those boots when they were on the website!! *kicks own ass*
Anonymous said…
Love that jacket.. and of course those shoes. Good for you for climbing up there in those heels.. the pics turned out amazing as usual!

xo, Becs
Nicci St. Bruce said…
shoes! I am in love!
Neira said…
that jacket is heavenly <3
Aline said…
you look beautiful!

that jacket is spectacular!!
Unknown said…
This is great! And you are looking so gorgeous on it. Like your skirt. ;D

Travel and Living
Job Hunt Pinoy
paanie said…
you always find the coolest places to take pictures!
Keith said…
These are all great photos. You look fantastic in all of them. Hope your week has started off well. Cheers!
I tagged you in a post today....

kreativ award ;)
I LOOOOVE that blue sweater! AMAZING!
i also like the contrast between the fashion and the concrete materials.
Valery said…
Wow I love it all<3
i LOVE that jacket! and pretty much everything sparkly that you wear :)

p.s. i'm working on a new blog and was wondering if you'd like to swap links again?

cara mia
Anonymous said…
You really look like the girl from transformers!! Love your jacket.
sarah said…
im so jealous of your long hair and your tan! x
Italo said…
Hi Bella! When I read "Bella" and "writer" I said: I have to follow this blog. And I will. beautiful photos, have a nice day, Italo.
LaMimi said…
Yes, I agree...
with the right mindset ANYTHING is possible:)
Forget the neighbors, they will always judge anyways...but you look absolutely sensational and that's what matters:)

you are a stunner...!! those are a killer shoes..!!i love!!!
Unknown said…
i love the shiny vest.
i must say you have excellent style. you dresses sexily in a very chic way.

wish i have your legs. hehehe.

have a great day!
lauren said…
Ah, just saw you on F21's blog..fucking cool babe..and I looove your Lucky profile!

I want all your new things. I've been waiting for one your shopping spree post and this one is amazing. Those boots and the balmain skirt are fabulous Bella. Wear them!! post them!!!

kisses to you
GypsyFox said…
beautiful look I love your hair! it's kind of like what mine looked like not too long ago, I need a trim & a dye asap! ;)
Anonymous said…
uhhh, blazer, i love....:)
prettyneons said…
Hello Hello

how are you? My damn blogger has been down and out, I couldn't even leave comments because of some annoying ID issue. Left me baffled.

Anywhos its functioning and all good now, phew!

These photos are so amazing I always adore the themes/ sets so much. Their just such bold visuals.

Good god is that a sequined jacket!? You know I want it right?
ha ha (:

PeAce & BoWs...
prettyneOns X
sexyinthecity said…
You looks amazing!!
love the blazer!! and your hair is fantastic!!

susie miller said…
i love the sequin number! flushly
Sophia said…
those shoes are wicked! i love it all.
Hey Superstar Bella! ♥ How've you been doing?

I love your jacket and the vest... I also adore your white inner shirt.. love the material....

Lastly... give me those booties... NOW! heehee
FashionJazz said…
I really luv ur jacket!!!! wow!!! xxx
Unknown said…
I have to get those shoes! Even though F21 doesn't make shoes in my size and I couldn't do more than just pose in them!

in love with your blazerrrr
Yummmm you have the Lindsay Lohan copy shoes, if only I could go to New York again and get them from forever 21. Your style is fab!
Yummmm you have the Lindsay Lohan copy shoes, if only I could go to New York again and get them from forever 21. Your style is fab!
Zhcsyra hp said…
owhh woww no words :)0
how be ur fans btw,.?:DD
pasada de zapatooos !! me encantan(L) :)

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