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Apothecary Extracts Tea Tree Oil

We're familiar with the adage "beauty is only skin deep"...  we're taught to embrace our imperfections, to be ourselves, and that appearances do not illustrate someone's character.  With warm undertones, I truly believe there's nothing wrong with these hopeful notions. But we live in a time where selfies prevail and searching for the next Holy Grail beauty treatment can feel like a full-time job. On some level, I think we're also a little bit programmed to focus on appearance... so why not utilize these amazing products available to us. 
When Apothecary Extracts invited me to review their Tea Tree Oil, I couldn't have been happier to have the opportunity to try something known for its endless uses and benefits. One of the most versatile, essential oils known for its purity and effectiveness, Tea Tree not only fights acne and other skin conditions naturally, it's also used to make shampoo, lotion, soaps,  and toothpaste. Pretty cool. In fact, its broad-spectrum advantages are so adaptable that you can even use it to make natural household cleaners, detergents, and disinfectants.
Unlike many tea tree oils, Apothecary Extracts is 100% undiluted and without harmful impurities. The amber pharmacy jar that I'll later use for tiny sprays of flowers is always a bonus.  

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