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▲Bella Harris Artwork▲
Aurora- 20 x 24 oil on pine panel

As some of you may know, I began drawing last year when I spotted a Jeffrey Campbell + Akira contest and played on the notion that maybe I could design a shoe and develop an innovative voice in the universe.  So that's exactly what I did, and it really initiated a profound realization for my artistic expression.  I've only been painting for the last three months, and your feedback is truly compelling and appreciated. I love it! With that said, here's a little preview of one of the paintings I've been working on... can't wait to share the rest of her.

Behind the name.
Aurora:  a phenomenon occurring in the night sky around the polar regions, caused by atmospheric gases interacting with solar particles to create streamers, folds, or arches of colored light.


Couture Carrie said…
Absolutely gorgeous, darliing ~ wow!

Hanna said…
omg this drawing is gorgeous!!

derek said…
wow good job!!!
So gorgeous! <3


Lidiya said…
Amazing drawing, so talented :)
♥ Thank you so much! Your comments mean the world to me. ♥
Violet said…
her eyes are gorgeous! she seems very whimsical and magical. you make me kick my self for not drawing more

Vi from Cali
Aleksandra said…
Ahh this is AMAZING! <3
FombyIsi said…
You're my new role model!
ediot said…
oh my. the're crazy talented babe
Belle Armed said…
Im deeply impressed. well done!!!

girlcrush said…
OMG my new favorite artist is BELLA HARRIS!! Please remind me as to why you aren't famous?
girlcrush said…
OMG my new favorite artist is BELLA HARRIS!! Please remind me as to why you aren't famous?
Heather said…
so rad!

Anonymous said…
Soooo have rare talent, Bella! Wow, really wow!
Alex said…
Why is everyone calling this painting a drawing? It's oil paint. I love it! A new favorite from the gorgeous Bella... *kiss*
Jessss said…
you're absolutely amazing!
Marella said…
Great blog! Following! Follow back? <3
Anonymous said…
So beautiful- I just love this so much. You are very special. I also totally agree with that comment- it is not a drawing- it's oil paint!
ilikestuff said…
It's hard to believe you've only been painting for 3 months...your technique looks like you've been doing it for years. I guess you always had a latent painter in you waiting to come out.
Marcela Gmd said…
Hi Bella, thank you for your visit!!
I like your blog!!!!! and your talented!
I love the art and the fashion!!
You have another follower now!! I'm very happy if you follow me too.
Besos, desde EspaƱa, Marcela

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