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The Writing Wall

 Affronted by a (practically) nonexistent warning sign, the weather-beaten plastic dangling idly from a nearby telephone pole, clearly stated, Private Property. Even though our previous attempt at this location resulted in a prying patrol car… the graffiti mural, a derelict carcass of a once prominent amusement park, was obviously too wicked to pass blindly.
Sprinting around with certain schoolgirl giddiness, the ridiculous amount of camerawhoring was starting to feel like some new Olympic sport. But before finally fleeing the scene, we noticed the black and red letters smeared across the far right side of the building that perhaps claimed an excuse to previous visitors. 'The Devil Made Me Do It'.
Disturbing to small degrees, it did seem outwardly apropos to our deviant trespassing acquisition… our forbidden spray paint entertainment.

(Vintage sequin butterfly shirt, Betsey Johnson tights, F21 skirt & jacket, Bakers fringe boots)


Aline said…
these are such cool pictures!!! That top is amazing:)
Elizabeth Marie said…
You are so amazingly gorgeous! NOT FAIR. :)
I missed you too mama! How have you been?! xoxo
Anonymous said…
Finally you're back!!

The top is so beautiful, I actually made a polyvore set using it. How'd you get it?
anni said…
i loove these pictures!
Anonymous said…
Great great shirt!
Nice pics!
Unknown said…
I LOVE that top... beautiful detail.
Nuheila said…
oh Bella!i love these pictures,your top is amazing!!!
I love the sequin top it's perfect/brilliant/amazing, lovely outfit Bella!

+ the shoes are great

<3,China L.
Anonymous said…
I'd been waiting for an upadate and then you go and post these amazing pictures! I totally love you and your blog!

Finally I can write a post!! This day I couldn't post you because the service was wrong... anyway today I just can :) haha
ohh your boots are fantastic, you continued so beautiful as always! :)
(my english isn't very good... sorry ) ;)
Aline Dahl said…
oh wow, this sequin shirt looks gorgeous!!!!!!!
Georgie said said…
Great top, I always see these about but I've never been too sure of how to wear it. Looks great on you though.
Anonymous said…
Just came across your blog and I love your style. I was wondering (I know this is basically anon) But who takes your pics?

thanks Bella
Lainey said…
I absolutely adore your vintage butterfly sequined jacket. It's beautiful!!! Please check out my blog when you have the time:
micol zanzuri said…
i do not know but it das not allow me to comment the one below....

ohhh i adore all that accessory!!!
and even if girls should not... i'm in sane for skeletons and crosses and thos pictures... i adore them!

ps i loke your fringed shoes!
Cätu said…
you're gorgeous, as always! black is soo good on you
Unknown said…
Oh I love this! I had a fab vintage sequined butterfly top like that once but I sold it on ebay ...and have regretted it ever since!!!! I love it!! You look awesome!
Monika said…
you're just gorgeous !:)
Stephanie said…
The vintage sequin top is stunning on you!!!!! I love the graffiti backdrop- There's so many like that here, I can't wait for spring to use it as backdrop as well ;)

Rachel Lynne said…
Delicious outfit, and huge fan of your blog. That seqiun shirt gives me hope for my vintage over sized flapper shirt that I know has potential. So, I can rant on, or just tell you to check out my fashion blog?
Siljesfashion said…
Amazing pictures! Beautiful top, I love everything sequined! moment might be better than any Olympic sport...this post is one darling*
ilikestuff said…
What a sick-ass set for a photo shoot. And, not to sound redundant, but I love your sequin top. I've been keeping my eye out for one at a thrift store.
Nil said…
I think I'm in love with that top!!!
Julisa said…
gorgeous! love that top and those fringe boots
Seeker said…
Bella, gorgeous you, looking awesome as always.
What a great top!!!!

Frances Davison said…
that top, it's the absolute best thing! x
acheELEna said…
i think u are going to get tired of hearing this but..............i FUCKING love your´s better than channel......D&G and all that stufff......u are ALWAYS PERFECT!
Anonymous said…
Another fab posting, I see. I adore the story to this post and every other detail about this!!!!!

When you get tired of your clothes pleaseeeeee send them to me. kisses.

paanie said…
that vintage top looks fab on you. great pics as always!
Jane said…
wow. love the vintage top. it could have gone either way but you look gorgeous

Check me out at

L. said…
very awesome outfit. love the first photo!
Anonymous said…
So pretty, I love it! You can make anything look like a million bucks!
Anonymous said…
That butterflie top is so beautiful!!
Casandra said…
Oooh, this is a gold butterfly!! It's very fabulous!! :-) And i love the writing wall, it's a nice place for the photos!! ;-) Always pretty!!

Kisses, Bella!! ^__^
Violet said…
i love the top so much

Vi from Cali
Anonymous said…
fantastic writing per Bella. Just adore your blog..... it's always insprational! and i must find sequins right away!

The pics and wall is so siiiiicccckkkk!
LOVE this look, the butterfly top is amazing with all those details. It makes the outfit pop.
Seeing that written would freak me out so much! However you got some great photos.. What a wonderful backdrop! :) x
Poshhh said…
aw i love that shirt, looks great with the outfit xo
Kaila said…
That top is too amazing <3
in love with that top!
muchlove said…
Cute skirt!
Great shots. I love the graffiti background!
LJ said…
every comment i leave i meantion shoes. and now i'm doing it again....lovely shoes.
xx-LJ from SOS!
Allison said…
Darling, you are unbelievable - it is like negative degrees and you are just rocking that!
Seriously, you are unbelievably gorgeous :) I once again just loved your outfit.
Victoria said…
haha, yes.. it's nice, for sure ! Just wished I liked coffee though haha.. ;P
hey, cool clothes,
Kristen said…
Stunning top!
Danz said…
Gorgeous outfit! That's a really great top. I also have a vtg. gold sequin blouse and it's sooo glitzy but I have nowhere to wear it during the day :(

Btw, if you're interested, I'm having a blog contest where you can win a Rachel Leigh Sex and the City-inspired belt from Chickdowntown. I hope you'll check it out!
Wow! Gorgeous as always. Where did you find that more than amazing shirt?
oh my god--honey these are the most gorgeous shots yet! that butterfly top has to be one of the best pieces of all time :D
Frou Flu said…
ooooh lovely!:) i wish i could upload scouting for girls' song entitled "she's so lovely" in this message because it goes with your outfit haha:) i love it...
whoa I love your boots :]

nd take a photo in front of the wall with graffiti is my obsession since years a go :[

the street's too busy till I can't just stand for a while and take a shot :[
Genevieve said…
Lets shop together plz.
J.Yo said…
wow, the place sounds so tempting.. i would do the same if i were you!

thanks for the lucky wishes!

and that top!!!! killer gold.
DaisyChain said…
I LOVE that shirt. You look amazing.
Anonymous said…
Oooooh I love the vintage sequin butterfly shirt!
Iole said…
love the t-shirt/sewater with gold paillettes so much!
SNAP with the shirt!!
kulululu said…
i would kill for that shirt!!!watch out;))hehehehe :* im glad that u are back, i missed u!
La Marquise said…
Thank you for your comment. I love all your shoes are precious. The jersey of today is spectacular. Have a nice weekend. See you soon
brittany said…
i loove the butterfly shirt! so perfect for a night out
and even moreeeee perfect for daytime
Yolanda Sotos said…
I'm in love with your top! OMG
Anonymous said…
the shirt is A M A Z I N G!
Mari said…
I truly envy your golden top. looks fab on you, that's for certain :)
essence said…
I love all the photos!

i have that butterfly top in black! found it in a vintage store a few months back, i love it, it hangs so well.


thank you for the comment and follow :) your blog is great.
what an amazing top! you look stunning! :)
Anonymous said…
I love your shirt!
Kati said…
Wow, you look so stunning girl!
Couture Carrie said…
Your sequin top is divine!! Loving the whole ensemble as usual, Bella!!

Anonymous said…
AMAZING top! :)
Anonymous said…
absolutely love your style
Anonymous said…
ah woman you always look so amazing! i love the sequins
Katrina said…
As usual i must say.
Every shot is stunning!:)
selly octavia said…
i love the butterffly shirt... it's so cute and shiny..
so glitter outfit ! you look like a star ! so nice !
hi darling!!
love your shirt!!

lot of time without news from u! im fine, thanks, lot of work and few time for the blog! anyway! Im planing my next holiday yet! probably not sure yet!!

by the way, the f21 boots are a-ma-zing!!!!!!
erikas said…
I love that vintage shirt! Looks amazing on you, sweetie:)
kirke said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
kirke said…
Always stunning!
Anonymous said…
i love the top! everything that sparkles brings my inner diva to life!
Anonymous said…
The shirt is absolutely amazing!!!
bella!here i am again, and i see that you too!as pretty as always!!how are you??
Anonymous said…
So rocker chic, you always amaze me with your killer style!
love you Bella!!!
Ariella said…
You look fantastic! The top you're wearing is stunning.
Daniella said…
Oh wow I love love this outfit, that top is amazing! And really love all the grafitti background too!
Erika Obscura said…
I love the proportions of this outfit and the background. I also love the blue settee from the previous post. Blue velvet is divine. Thank you for commenting on my blog! Which piece did you end up getting?
Kiki said…
love the contrast of glam top w/ grungy background....
Human Racing said…
The wall in the background really adds to the photo. Cool top. I like the flashiness.
Erik said…
I love that outfit. So pretty. I also like graffti. Great blog... please visit mine.
Charmaine Li said…
okay so that shirt is seroiusly AMAZING.. and i went vintage shopping this weekend trying to find a shirt like that.. but failed. LOVE IT!
Song of Style said…
LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that vintage top.
i saw smtg very similar on ebay and was debating whther to buy it or not until the bid went up to 80 bucks. haha
and i love ur jewelry collection!
X said…
Dear Bella thank you very much for linking.
Many many kisses
luck in your life
Nai said…
You look awesome, i'm luvin' ur outfit, n check out that grafitti, so cool :D
Delmy said…
Freaking Awesome!!!
Anonymous said…
this outfit is pure perfection on you!

X Hanna
Rand said…
wow the butterfly top is gorge!!
i really like the last ic
it looks so magazine alike!
take care x
Vintage Girl said…
Your top is FAB! I have never seen this kind of vintage top in black-gold colour. Have a red one myself, but yours is sooo beautiful. Stunning!

Love these pictures as well - the beauty of your clothes is eye catching in front of this wild wall.
Gia said…
if i were a man i would definetely feel attracted by you,haha:)
great style dear!
have a great weekend and a big smile on your face!
Hi :)
That vintage sequin butterfly shirt is beautiful!
Ashleigh said…
I saw a similar top when I was out thrifting and didnt pick it up...and now im regretting it :( look hawwwt
GUSH girl!!!!!!!! your picture always always blow me away! they are awesome.
your outfit is pure perfection, and this location is fab.

love it, as always!

hope you are having a great weekend lover.

xxx LM
Anika said…
Trespassers will be prosecuted-kinda thing, right? ;)

You look amazing, gorgeous. That top, those shoes, the skirt!

Can't do wrong.

Hope you have a fantastic, legal weekend bella ;)
Theresa said…
awesome top!
Anonymous said…
TOtally perfect :) I love your boots! I'm gonna buy a pair without heels :)
Syana said…
i always see those vintage sequin butterfly sequin tops but I never dared buying one because I never knew they could look so good! Brilliant!!
Anonymous said…
this outfit is gorgeous!!! i love your sequin shirt! ;)
Demi said…
thanks for your lovely comment honey!

you look absolutely amazingg!!!
love your top and those gorgeous boots!

May Kasahara said…
god girl . . . . . .

Could you be any more gorgeous.
love you tons

there's so much we want, and so much we can't get!
MS said…
Love that outfit. The gold and black look amazing.

Cool photo in front of the graffiti. You look fabulous!
j. said…
Sparkly!!! Its safe to say that Im in love with your shirt~ plus the fact that its vintage. Lucky, lucky.


That top is insane! And great choice for background

T E L I S H A H said…
great Pics ;)
Anonymous said…
I'm your newest fan!! Your blog fucking rocks. Waiting for next update girlie!
Anonymous said…
I'm your newest fan!! Your blog fucking rocks. Waiting for next update girlie!
the vintage sequined top is a winner! i love it! i hope i can find one exactlt like that.
o! Bella, you are such a vision!! <3
Anonymous said…
love the top! looks like graffiti inspired
Gorgeous as allways. Mark for H&M is only a blogger petition, a dream of lots of bloggers, but we all hope it becomes in true some day.
sarah said…
prettyneons said…
Hello's, oh wow I always adore graffiti, that top of yours, sure is super sparkly I love it, a lot!
Hope your having a great weekend ;)
Peace and Bows...
Anonymous said…
Oh I saw this top somwhere last year and I've wanted it ever since! Where is it from again? Nice outfit ;)

Anonymous said…
Loved those boots!

Rebecca said…
skirt is so hot,
the top is so nice, xxxx
TheMinx said…
haha you're so bad, breaking and entering. But it's soo worth it, the pictures are amazing. That gold top is out of this world!
Anonymous said…
that vintage top is tie die for! Really, really gorgeous--great post, as always :-)
This top is amazing! Wow, you look so wonderful. :)
a la blusa te queda sensncional saludos
LF said…
Love that gold, the entire outfit is grand. hope your Sunday is swell :))
Anonymous said…
Defintiely be back to your blogspot, youre style is really rad and youre gorgeous too. <3 <3

loove the pics. who takes them? oh, and those ruiby slippers are unreal!! do you have them?
Anonymous said…
I love that that top.
stephanie said…
OMGOD those Dorothy shoes up there (in your most recent post) are to.die.for!!!

I'm fairly certain you need something like them to complete your life, lady ;)

saray said…
love this top
magdaayuk said…
Wow the shirt is insanely cool! Looking good as usual:)
Mel Carrey said…
oh yes, i'm absent from blogspot for a couple of weeks and I come back to these fabulous photos!! Love the shirt!! xo
Jules said…
Hi there,
Such a nice top!You look so fab on it.=)
Looks great.Have a nice day,,;D
Jenna Shotgun said…
lovely shirt!
susie miller said…
Jadore-Fashion said…
OMG!!! i am so jealous, i want that vintage butterfly top, so CHIC!!
electric feel said…
again again and again ma eyes went straight to your fab shoes. very balmainesque!

Katrina said…
i have something for you, check out my blog :)
Darrah said…
I love this gold top! Great colors for your skin tone!
Looking so gorgeous in our Bakers booties, lady!!! I so think about you whenever I'm watching Weeds, ever since you titled a post after an episode in the first season.. The Good Ship Lollipop! And thanks for the comment, I've missed ya! Surprises soon... can't reveal 'til they're ready now can I? ;)

Marcella said…
That top is ferocious to the highest degree. Pairing it with the baker's boots was just genius on your part!
Juan Andres said…
xD (I just stop and wondered how many i say that in my comments here)

I love the pictures!, your top is just so damn pretty !!!!!!!!!

holy you look like a million bucks!!!
love the top.
also regarding the knit sweater, knits like like rend to strech with time so good luck.
Stephanie Shorr said…
that top is stunning
Trish said…
OMG. Where did you but that butterfly shirt? I love it!! I want!! Hihi. :)
Since Age Zero said…
that top is to die for!!

so is your long, pretty hair!

gimme gimme!

first visit to your blog and i love it!

Anonymous said…
Oh I have a butterfly top just like this in silver! They are stunning. And the shows inthe post above, yes now we all understand how Dorothy felt!! xx
Anonymous said…
great blog! and for that i gave you an award! check it out:)
Andy said…
This is extremly amazing! You look stunning, and these pictures are freaking cool!
New post on my blog sweety :)

Anika said…
Hey gorgeous girlie, I too can understand Dorothy's utter disappointment if she didn't manage to score the shoes in the newer post! And given my penchant for cut-out heels, this is something I'd impulse buy regardless :)

Can't wait to see the topshop knit on you, bella!
Anonymous said…
Rand said…
for some reason i acnt comment on the newer posts, ther is no commenting lonks
anywyas i jsut wanted to say i ADORE the red heels
x take care
stiina said…
I love these pics and u look GREAT
wow! i love this post. xoxox
joshylola said…
I love vintage butterfly shirt!
Anonymous said…
Ohh this whole outfit is heaven. I've been wanting a sequin top like that for forever - so Carrie :)

You're such a foxy babe Bella <3 Are you ever not sexy?!

I've tagged/awarded you honey :) xxx
love that top
Laura said…
The outfit is gorgeous!
unbelievable outfit! i've added you to my favorite blogs list, your site is too good to not pass the word along!
the sequin top is gorgeous. i want something like this.



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