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To Everything, There Is a Season

Shuffling through the various holidays of 2008, I can’t believe the year is chiseling out yet another ending. The hoopla, the ongoing shenanigans… most of the time it’s over before I’ve realized it’d even started. But for the better part of the suburbanite afternoon, I couldn’t stop thinking about time and how it seems to swallow everything else.
Trying to wrap my mind around it, I walked outside and there it wasn’t. The dog days of summer had been completely bogarted, and obviously, winter was reinstating some glorified purpose. While semi-sanctioning such a veritable transition, I giddily sequestered a nearly forgotten Bebe jacket from the corner of my closet, and called it a day.

I admit the straps on my Jessica Simpson ankle boots, fully equipped with studs and cross charms, are actually dog collars. Clearly manufactured for a Gothic canine with nouveau attitude... the vibe worked, so be it.


Allie said…
What a great idea! I am mad about your shoes :)
VannaV said…
Love your outfit ... you were abs rite ... the vibe is there :)
Anabel said…
mmm that jacket is perfect for winter!!
InnyVinny said…
Nice repurposing!

And I remeber seeing a picture of the Greek god Chronos eating everything - it freaked me out, but that is truly what time does.
S* said…
i love the jacket! and i love the trouserss!!! :) And your shoes are amazinggg!!!
Anonymous said…
You're so pretty, Bella. I really love the collar boots straps! Awesome!
Anonymous said…
What caught my attention, the boots and the bag! And i love your hair! You're making me want to save mine from a cut! x
Unknown said…
the dog collars definitely made the shoes!
Anonymous said…
stil love the shoes!!
duh, u soo are all about them shoes!! i'm tryng to follow suit. will take a while though! heheh
dog collars? damn...i was hoping to go out and buy the same exact pair!
Unknown said…
nice pictures!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Ohhh your outfit is totally fierce! I love the ankle boots - I would never have guessed those were dog collars.
Love your shoes and you bag!!!
Anonymous said…
Lovely as always!
Song of Style said…
omg, ur shoes.... that is super hot, and u always look so fabulous and super sexy!!!!
you always are a <3
"To everything (turn, turn, turn),
There is a season (turn, turn, turn), And a time for every purpose, under heaven"
love the title :)
Allie said…
Thank you! Don't mind at all. Right back 'atcha girl :)
Shen-Shen said…
I kinda like those dog collars.

You're gorgeous, btw!
Anonymous said…
I love how your style is so consistant and strong.

Divine as always and your bag is just beautiful!
Lexie said…
"bogarted" is such a fabulous term.
Anonymous said…
the jacket is gorgeous, and wow dog collars!!! Fab idea!
e said…
BELLA! gorgeous. can you share some fur with me? we are soooo boot/stud buddies :) the mitchels, the camp sandals.. what elsE? i'm sure there's more we don't kno about :P shoot a picture of your shoe collection!!!!!! im sure its droolworthy!
<333 this outfit. you look hot AS USUAL.

your #1 fan,
Fashion Tidbits said…
i think that Jessica Simpson's shoe line is actually a success! every single shoe i've seen so far, i've liked
Those boots are killer! WOW
ese bolsooooo!!!!
Mode Junkie said…
AMAZING BABE! amazing. :)
CARO// said…
thank u so much, dear! :)
♥ (:
Miss Urbanita said…
I always love your shoes! Fantastic jacket.
J.Yo said…
wow, i kinda never thought anyone will ever pull off such jacket, to me it's out of style, but your style? is never out.
Anonymous said…
Youre so gorgeous! I'm mean really, you don't even need to say that your a writer for everytone to realize it! Always enjoy it, Bella. The combination of style and words is superb!

--- tyler
Gedankenlos said…
i love that jacket.. in looks sooo warm :)
Casandra said…
I love your pants!! O.O And your boots are very punk, it´s nice!!
Kisses from Spain!! :o)
SO CREATIVE i love how you added dog chains. that is hottt. loved your rolled up pants
Sina said…
Very sweet Outfit and your Shoes are so pretty!
Should we exchange Links?
Ashleigh said…
You dont even know how much im lusting after your booties!! oh and I think I am keeping it...wasnt that expensive anyways and it'll prob get good use in the summer... ;).
Also, thanks for all your comments ...I really appreciate them girlie
Delmy said…
Those boots are so cool
Aw, you are too cute (I am the same exact way) with your blog. Love each post more and more.... those chained booties, TDF and the fur.. ohhh I want! Here's hoping your weekend goes really fantastic and fun! Sending my love.... (=
Dana (MODAna) said…
awesome! so inspiring
I love your jacket and bag too :)
and of course - that hair...
Seeker said…
What a cool idea, sweetie.

You look great, powerful!!!

Jen said…
I completely agree - where did this year go? I'm not ready for christmas yet because it feels like I just had it!! Cute shoes btw, very very cute!!
Demi said…
love those shoes! they're amazing!
and i agree that this year has gone waaayyyy too fast!
Nare said…
gorgeus!! combination of trousers and shoes is genial!!

Paris Tarts said…
Those boots and that bag are hot!
Check out my blog sometime?
MarionRocks said…
Thanks a lot for your lovely comments, so glad to read them :)
I'm in love with your Chanel bag !! You want to steal my boots, I want to steal your bag ^^
suis_aimée said…
ooooohhh love your outfit!
your jacket is fantastic!!!

hey, the winter is here!!

you´re right, H&M is so addictive, but to be realist is necesary to search a lot to find something interesting, there are a lot of poor-quality products!
hawt outfit.
do you mind if we exchange links?
DaisyChain said…
I LOVE your shoes
and jacket. It's perfect.
Angela said…
love your outfit. cute cute cute.... adore the chanel bag too, just classic.
Thanks, Bella. <3

My parents and some other family members will be helping us celebrate her birthday with us on Sunday! :) Not to mention, I will be inviting her out to lunch on her actual Birthday, next week. My Grandpa passed away (it'll be one year this week) so I attended a Mass in his honor with her last week. When she gets sad, I try to tell her a funny story or give her a hug. :)

I can't wait to see you integrate some florals into your already ingenious style!!! <333
OSB Vintagr said…
i love the look!!
do you like vintage?
VINTAGe earrings in sale, they have been purchased in local markets of PARIS,BARCELONA, MADRID..and ITALY each piece that i bought has a small story. so delightful for fans of vintage and unique pieces...

lisa @ luxe said…
you look great, love the contrast of the jacket with your hair! fab!!!
Anonymous said…
jeez girl, you are goregous. the writing style and the bag coat and collar boots are perfect!!
muchlove said…
nice outfit.
I can't believe 2008 is coming to an end either.
Jenna Shotgun said…
oh, wow, you look so hot! i'm totally in love with your shoes!
Anonymous said…
Why didn't I think of that!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Why didn't I think of that!!!!!!!
kirke said…
You're so amazing!
Anonymous said…
Hi, I just reviewed your blog and
I'm happy yo tell you that I'm awarding the secret agrden award :)
Nimo! said…
i love your shoes!
you are gorgeous
Anonymous said…
i agree, Bella you're a hot one!!!

The jacket kicks ass and only you would reivent the dog collar by buckling them onto your boots!
I'm such a fan!

what a shoes!! LOVE!
Jillian Hobbs said…
u always have amazing shoes too!
Anonymous said…
Perfect idea! I'll just agree with everyone when i tell you youre so fabulous!
j. said…
love the idea of the dog collars + boots.. totally edged it out. :-)

ah.. i know time just swallows itself up, doesnt it? i was just enjoying the "good things" that came with turning 21 and now Id have to face what being 22 is like in less than 4 months! *faints*

Chantelle said…
you look awesome!
I'm actually really liking those pants with the ankle booties.

Damn it, I wish I had your weather.
Marcella said…
Bella darling, you remind me of Megan Fox, same dark vixenish beauty, only better and more stylish!

MMm and I thought I was being inventive browsing menswear stores for studded cuffs and jewellery, but your dog collar is most definately the most ingenious.
Merily said…
loving the jacket!
Ana said…
This outfit is awesome.

Would you like to trade links?
thenebulosegirl said…
perfect jacket for cold days!
Jessica said…
whoah girl, you've got some style ! :)
i love the shoess.
great colors for your skin tone, you look fabulous!
nice use of dog collars too, i never would have guessed. :)
Style Spot said…
Hi lovely!
Yes, time definitely flies by. I can't believe 2008 is coming to an end. Where did it go?

And I have to tell you that you look great every season. Spring, summer, autumn, winter - I bet and know that you look great no matter what! Love this outfit too, as always <3
Anonymous said…
love those shoes!

La C
MY GOD! your shoes- i love them... good idea with the studs... I have been wearing a studded belt on my boots...
Anonymous said…
Fab, darling you are insanely fashionable!! Damn!
Juan Andres said…
crazy about your shoes!

Can Holidays wait a bit more please?
♥ Marta ♥ said…
Absolutely beautiful outfit... You look amazing :)
kulululu said…
i can't wait for new pics:)))kisses
Ariella said…
That's a killing outfit. You pull of those trousers and ankle boots perfectly!
yiqin; said…
Your coat is so damn awesome & I love your shoes!
Rosanna said…
you shoes!!! i love them so much
thanks for being as lovely and sweet as you are!

beautiful, elegant and classic
very good photos
good blog
your always so imaginative
happy day

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