Like a shadow, some things lurk. And much as the weekend, mutually quiet and eventful… nothing and everything makes sense when draped in funky sugarplum fairies and twinkling lights. Not our best-laid plan, we being the blithe adventuresses of the family, joined ranks with all those holiday cheermeisters and staunchly faced a teeming shopping blitz. Inextricably, the scheming afternoon wrath of cart pushers, window peekers, road ragers, and zany bargain seekers , was one such lurking moment. A harmonic hysteria of present-persuasion and shopping grandeur, I muddled through an amusing/frightening mirage, loving the extreme pandemonium… no matter how catawampus it all appeared. But like some freakish optical illusion climaxing a jolly North Pole sequel, its inevitable dusk till dawn tradition leaves me feeble-minded. So, while hunting holiday gifts and embracing yuletide paradise, I couldn’t help wondering… are we gluttons for punishment or just eager to come out and play. Who knows, but...